
I'm Finally Part of Your World

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Baths were a strange thing. It was almost like being in the sea again. But the bubbles, of course, were something that Kurt had never experienced. Well, at least not these bubbles. They kept their form and were foam like in touch.

The older woman who had been put in charge of cleaning and dressing Kurt poured a bucket of water over Kurt's hair. She woman was fawning over Kurt. "Washed up from a shipwreck," she tutted.

Apparently Kurt reminded her of her younger brother. She was only too happy to help him with his clothes, because Kurt had never worn such things before. Kurt had made the mistake of trying to jump into both leg holes in his pants at once.

"Oh dear," said the woman. "You poor thing." Then she instructed him to put one foot in at a time.

When he was done dressing, Kurt had to admit he loved the fit of the clothes. They were constricting, of course, but there was something about them that Kurt liked.


"Nice young men do not just swim around saving people and flicker out of existence," said Will, putting tobacco in his pipe.

"He was real, Mr. Shuester," said Blaine, looking out at the setting sun.

Will sighed. "You should really focus on eligible young men to marry, Blaine. Your family bent a lot of rules for your…predisposition. You are allowed to marry a man, if it does so please you, but it must be one of noble blood." He scoffed. "Not a mysterious stranger."

Blaine frowned. "He's out there and I'm going to find him," he insisted.

"Come on dear." He heard the voice of one of the maids and looked over at the door. She was pushing the young man into the room.

The man was clean now, his hair falling in perfectly in his face. He was twisting his hands together nervously as he looked over at Blaine.

Blaine lost all thought for a moment. The man's eyes sparkled, their depths the color similar to the ocean. The clothes given to him fit him nicely, clinging to his lean form in all the right places.

"Wow," breathed Blaine, walking over to the man. "You look…great."

Blaine was sure that, if he had a voice, the man would have giggled at that moment. As it was, he smiled and his shoulders moved, making it obvious that he was flattered.

Blaine pulled out a chair for the young man, suddenly feeling like he should be more than courteous to this handsome man.

…..This is were "Kiss the Boy" is suppose to come in…..

The boat incident shook Dave. That little brat had been so close to kissing the human boy.

"It's time to take this into my own hands," he snarled.


Blaine was out late. He had picked up his guitar and was strumming the old tune that haunted him. He wasn't even sure what haunted him more: the fact that it was the same one his mother played him when he was young, or the man who sang it that he couldn't seem to find.

Blaine looked up at the castle. One of the windows was lit. Kurt was at the window, looking out. He looked like an angel…

Maybe it was a stupid thing to chase a dream, when he had a real thing in front of him.

In frustration, Blaine threw the guitar to the ground and stepped toward the window that Kurt was now leaving. He need to talk to him. He was handsome, nice, and despite his inability to talk, he was a beautiful person. Blaine would be lucky to have him.

And then he heard it. It was the voice. The voice that haunted his dreams, but made them worth having.

Blaine looked down at the ocean waves. Walking there was a tall man, his clothes moving in the breeze. He was singing. Singing the song with that voice of the gods.

But how could that be him? The man he remember was small…more Kurt's size. This man was very large and very tall…

A light appeared where the man was. It was blinding and hypnotic. It blinked towards Blaine and suddenly he was blank.


Kurt was heartbroken. When he awoke to Finn flying through his window and telling him the Prince had announced his wedding, Kurt thought that maybe he had won him over.

But then he had run down to see Blaine's arm linked with another man.

Kurt's bear feet hovered above the water as the wedding ship sailed away. He sighed and lay back on his hands. What could he do? He couldn't tell Blaine that he was the one he had been looking for. He had no voice.

Kurt's eyes drifted to the sun. It was getting low now. It was the third day. Soon, he would turn back into a merman…he would be Karofsky's forever.

"Kurt! Kurt!" Kurt's eyes flew to where Finn was in the sky. He was flying toward them, falling to the dock with a crash.

"I was flying," began, stumbling on his feet.

"Of course you were flying," sighed Rachel.

"And I saw him! The bull! I mean, the bully! The sea bully!" Finn was jumping. "Singing with a stolen voice! Do you not realize what I'm saying!" He picked up Rachel and shook her. "The Prince is marrying the sea bully in disguise!"

"What are we gonna do?" said Mercedes from the water.

Kurt was already on his feet. The ship was sailing into the sunset. He looked around and heard Karofsky's voice…he wasn't going to let him ruin everything. And so, with a running jump, Kurt dove into the water.

It was different, swimming with a fin, but his legs were powerful enough. Mercedes swam beside him.

"I need to get the sea king!" shouted Rachel. "Finn, stall the wedding!" she jumped into the water, going as quickly as she could.


Karofsky was waiting at the alter with Blaine at his side. "Do you, Blaine, take David to be your husband?"

"I do," said the mindless oaf.

Karofsky grinned in glee. The sun was going to set soon and Kurt would be his.

Then the swarm of birds came at him. All sorts of other sea creatures jumped on deck, scaring the guests. They all went toward Karofsky. He was thrown into the cake by a few seals, everything crashing around him.

He stood and a large bird was squawking in his face. He grabbed for its neck as it grabbed for his. The shell necklace that held Kurt's voice.

And then - pain. The stupid mutt who always growled at him had bit him. He roared. The necklace was flying through the air…it landed at Kurt's feet.


Kurt finally made it. He climbed up the side of the ship, once again thankful for his powerful arms. It was chaos on the deck. All sorts of sea creatures were stalling the wedding.

He saw Karofsky. He saw Finn grab the necklace and it fly through the air. It broke at his feet and his voice, flowing and light mist, swirled toward his throat.

Kurt could finally feel his voice again, warm and comforting.

The haze over Blaine's eyes suddenly lifted. He blinked and lost his balance. He looked around at the disorder around him, his eyes settling on Kurt. There was a light around him…and the voice was there, singing again.

Kurt's mouth was open and the light flew inside and it was suddenly Kurt singing. It was Kurt's face he saw that day when he was saved from the ocean. It was.

"Kurt?" asked Blaine in a hopeful tone.


Hearing Kurt say his name for the first time was like magic. Blaine found himself running to him, putting his hands in his. "You can talk," he said happily. "You're the one."

"Blaine, get away from him!" It was Karofsky's real voice this time, his spell broken.

"It was you all the time," said Blaine, ignoring the other man.

"I wanted to tell you, so much," said Kurt, his eyes tearing up.

Then, Blaine was leaning toward him. This was it, thought Kurt. This was his kiss…

Pain. The same pain Kurt had experienced when Karofsky turned him into a human. His pants were ripping as his legs fused together, back into the fin Kurt had had for all of his life, before these three days.

Blaine tried to keep him standing, but Kurt felt to the deck, unable. He stared up at Blaine, afraid. Blaine stared at Kurt, eyes wide.

"You're too late!" Karofsky was bursting out of his human disguise, his tentacles horrible and ugly. Karofsky was grabbing Kurt before he could even think. "Adios, lover boy," he said with a wink. Then he jumped into the water.

It was almost shocking for Kurt to be back under the water. To not need air. It was something he did not dwell on, however. He was too busy trying to get out of Karofsky's grasp.

Suddenly, Burt, Kurt's dad, was there. His trident glowing threateningly, pointed at Karofsky's chest. "Let my son go," he growled.

"Not a chance, Hummel," said Karofsky. "He's mine now. We had a deal." The glowing contract that Kurt had signed, stupidly signed, was in front of him. The two eels had Kurt in a bind, so he couldn't move.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I -" but his words were cut off.

His dad tried to break the contract with his trident, but it was legal and binding. "Take me instead," said Burt suddenly.

"Aww, you're not my type," said Karofsky, patting his cheek. "Your son, on the other hand." Karofsky had swam over to Kurt, shaking his chin in his hands. "He's the one I want. And now, I have him." He laughed and kissed Kurt's cheek.

Kurt's blood chilled. His skin crawled. Karofsky had just been wanting Kurt this whole time?

"I'll give you anything." Burt's voice was desperate. It made Karofsky pause. He stared at the powerful trident for a long moment.

Well, he thought suddenly, a little double cross would be fine. He could get the guy and power over the seas. Karofsky smiled sweetly. "I think something could be arranged…"


Blaine was rowing out to the bubbling sea. He wasn't losing Kurt again.



Together, Kurt and Blaine were able to distract Karofsky. When the power crazed bully had swelled himself to an epic size, the only thing Blaine could do was ram an old ship into him, killing him instantly.

When he died, the spell on Kurt's dad, an all the other poor merfolk, was broken. Blaine was unconscious, but alive. Kurt dragged him to a beach and sadly turned back to the sea. He swam back to his cavern, the ruins of his treasures still there.

Kurt looked around. His favorite thing-a-bobs were broken. Kurt picked one up and dropped it. Why had he come here? There was nothing but heartbreak.

Then, Kurt saw the music box. He picked it up carefully and opened it, almost afraid that it, too, would be broken.

It was not. The beautiful music filled the water around Kurt. It was almost comforting. Kurt closed the box and cradled it to his chest.

"Kurt, son." Burt had followed him there again. He put a strong hand on his shoulder.

"Dad," said Kurt through the tears.

"You love him, don't you?" asked Burt gruffly.

"I told you I did," said Kurt, as proudly as he could muster.

"You did," said Burt. "But that was when you just liked him. Tadpole love," he chuckled once, then grew serious. "But now, you know what love is, don't you?" Kurt remained silent. "Love is when you want what is best for a person, even if that means you can't be in their life. You left that boy on the beach. You saved him, even though you're a merman again."

"I didn't want him to die," sniffed Kurt.

"And that, son, is love." Burt thought briefly of his wife, dead now for many years. He looked at his son. Kurt had a lot of his mother in him. The color of his fin, his facial expressions, and most of all, his heart.

He was going to miss his son.


Blaine groaned. The sun was bright above him, stinging his eyes. He sat up, sand sticking to his back. The events of the previous day flood backed to him. He looked around; where was Kurt?

"Blaine!" His head turned toward the water. There was Kurt, knee deep in the water, clothed in a shirt and pants that seemed to made of the waves.

Wait, knee deep.

"Kurt!" exclaimed Blaine, running into the water and hugging the other man. "But Kurt, you're not, you don't have…"

"My fin," said Kurt with a smile. "My dad, he's the sea king, and he has powers much powerful tan Karofsky could have ever dreamed of. He approves of you now, so he gave me what I wanted." Kurt lifted a delicately pale foot out of the water.

Blaine placed one of his calloused hands on Kurt's smooth cheek. "He gave me you," he whispered. Blaine wanted to lift Kurt and twirl him around. He wanted to dance around with Kurt and laugh.

For now, however, Blaine just lowered his lips to Kurt's in a kiss that was far overdue.

Kurt put his arms around Blaine's neck, twirling his fingers in Blaine's tight curls. Blaine wrapped his arms tighter around Kurt's waist, pulling him close. The two didn't notice the waves that lapped up against their legs, too lost in their own world.

"Oh my god," said Blaine. After Kurt and him had kissed, they had started walking back toward the castle. Blaine said they had a wedding to prepare, if Kurt would have him.

Kurt had responded with a long kiss, so Blaine assumed that was a yes.

"What?" asked Kurt.

"The music box…"

Kurt frowned and looked down. The music box was there, nestled between the glowing fabric of his clothes. "Oh yeah. This is one of my treasures," he said, pulling it out. "I collect things from shipwrecks," he explained.

They had stopped walking. "Can I see it?" asked Blaine carefully. Kurt nodded and handed over the object. Blaine ran his hands over the smooth wood and opened it.

The music was the same. The small dancer that twirled in the velvet was the same.

"This was my mother's," whispered Blaine. "She died. In a shipwreck." Blaine looked up at Kurt. Kurt's eyes widened.

"Oh," he said. "My mom died…there was an accident, too." Kurt frowned and put a hand on Blaine's. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," said Blaine. "But this…mother always played this for me before bed. When I heard to you sing it when you saved me, I knew it was the same tune."

"I sing to this all the time," said Kurt with excitement. "It's beautiful." Kurt tightened the hold on Blaine's hand. "I'm sure your mother was beautiful."

"She was," said Blaine with a nod. He smiled at Kurt. "Looks like this was meant to be," he said, nodding toward the music box.

"I suppose so," said Kurt with a small smile.


"Yes Blaine?"

"Sing for me."

Kurt didn't need to be asked twice. The music box was still playing the tune of Blaine's mother.

"What would I give to live where you are, what would I pay, to stay here beside you?" Kurt linked his arm with Blaine as they continued toward the castle. "What would I do, to see you smiling at me?" Blaine grinned at him and Kurt blushed.

"Now we can walk. Now we can run. And spend all day in the sun." Kurt changed the lyrics off the top of his head. Because there was no more wishing Kurt had to do. His life was in front of him now and it was one with Blaine, in his world.

"Just you and me, and I now I am part of your world," sang Kurt, leaning his head against Blaine's.

"I love you," said Blaine. He kissed Kurt's forehead as they arrived at the entrance to the castle.

"I love you," said Kurt. He remember what his dad had said, about love.

Kurt was positive that this was the real thing.

"So glad you could be," sang Blaine suddenly, catching him off guard. Kurt hadn't heard Blaine sing before. His voice was powerful and smooth. "Part of my world."

Kurt kissed the man he loved at their wedding the next day, to which everyone in the human world on the small island and the inhabitants of the sea surrounding it was in attendance.
And here is the last chapter of the Klaine Little Mermaid fic! I hope you enjoy it.

Here are the other chapters:

Also, I did write this out of order, so the beginning is after the previous chapter, like normal, but “Kiss the Boy” is sandwiched in the middle (I’ll tell you when).

As you can see, I changed the lyrics to “Part of Your World” just a tad! I thought it would be a good way to end the story and make it more complete! I hope they’re ok….

Please review!
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